"...to enclose the present moment; to make it stay; to fill it fuller and fuller, with the past, the present and the future, until it shone, whole, bright, deep with understanding."
Se è tanto bello perché non vivi lì?
Ecco, adesso ripartiamo con l'interrogatorio. Tu faresti strada nella polizia, lo sai?
Dimmi ancora soltanto questo. Perché non vivi lì, se lui è... se lì è così bello?
E una storia da grandi, lascia perdere.
Dimmi soltanto l'inizio.
L'inizio? Quale inizio?
Come inizia la storia?
Ma guarda che sei un bel tipo.
Per favore.
Ma niente, è la solita storia, è l'uomo della mia vita e io sono la donna della sua vita, tutto lì, solo che non siamo mai riusciti a vivere insieme, contento?
Non è neanche detto che se ami davvero qualcuno, ma tanto, la cosa migliore che puoi farci insieme sia vivere.
Non è detto.
And I collect their skin
Yes I need their bark
For my new kind of hide in my new kind of dark
For these fruits that we have grown have froze heavy on the vine
Winter brew is born from the temporal and rime
Yeah the thicket and the thistle cry: new kind of wild!
Drink up to new dead and new alive
Sonríe. Desmorona pan, se voltea y lo obsequia a los pájaros. Y tiene al lado de la mesa, sobre una jardinera, un libro de Virginia Woolf: Flush. Y atiende a los clientes que llegan a pedirle atole y tamales y les regresa su cambio. Y tiene una presencia que calma el aire, que lo llena con la honestidad de su sonrisa, de sus ojos grandes, de su cabello lacio.
Observa. Piensa. Deduce. Infiere. Pregunta. ¿Me compra un mazapán?, interrumpiendo mi lectura. Pero no sólo eso: ¿Le caen mal esas señoras? Volteo a donde se dirige su mirada, del otro lado del vidrio, a la mesa casi contigua a la mía donde toman café y platican dos mujeres. No... ¿lo dices por que crees que hacen ruido? No, no me molesta, no las escucho. Sonreímos y me da las gracias. Después lo veo acercarse a la mesa frente a mí, ofrecer mazapanes a la familia que la ocupa, y después preguntarles ¿Para qué es esto? Señalando una caja blanca de madera adosada a la pared, con la leyenda "Sugerencias". La familia le ofrece sus explicaciones. El niño sonríe, da las gracias, y sale a ofrecer mazapanes a las mesas de afuera.
No lo veo, sólo lo escucho: el sonido que sube desde la esquina de la calle empujado por el aire, deslizándose por el balcón hasta llegar al sillón donde dormito. Una armónica. Y lo imagino tocando.
Entra con un aire de mucha confianza, cargando un estuche con su guitarra adentro. La miro, porque pienso que también será una comensal, y me sonríe, devolviéndome la mirada, igualmente fija. Después pasan otras cosas, el arroz y las tortillas, y la olvido. Después escucho detrás una voz delgada, con una emoción que no acaba de revelarse por completo, y la música tenue que la acompaña. Y después su voz segura, reaccionando ante la generosidad de una niña pequeña: ¡Gracias hermosa! Y volteo, y nos miramos y sonreímos de nuevo. De ahí en adelante la mantengo en mente, y escucho cómo su voz crece. Cuando se va, sólo veo su espalda llevando su guitarra.
You were afraid of the god
sitting there among his jewels
and flowers and precious fabrics
all brightly colored
looking you straight in the eye
from the fake sky
of painted clouds
The god of fortune.
You were afraid of the god of good fortune.
But you also sang songs
(and claimed your right to freeedom
asking if I'd join you)
You’re in that class with me. We go on
from there—not long. You do The Waste Land
in different voices—Come in under the shadow
of this red rock—Strom Thurmond, Aussie
bartender, Cantonese. HURRY UP PLEASE
ITS TIME. Twenty years later,
I get your news by Facebook update,
three hundred characters or less,
waiting for the Scrovegni to open
in the windy square across from
Donatello’s horse and rider,
dust flecks foaming past fetlocks
and stirrups.
A veces me gustaría vivir en un planeta lo suficientemente pequeño como para poder hacer ese truco que hacía el principito, sólo mover mi silla un poquito y poder seguir viendo el atardecer.
An indeed there was no time
to wonder, "Do I dare?" and "Do I dare?"
There was time to turn back and ascend the stair,
Time to disturb the universe
with a hundred visions and decisions
that no revisions could reverse.
Time for you and time for me.
For either of us could be Hamlet,
and we've both had our prophet.
We did not let the moment of our greatness flicker,
we just bit off the matter with a smile,
we squeezed the universe into a ball
and rolled it towards some overwhelming question,
We each said: "I have been Lazarus, come from the dead,
I could tell you all, but I shall not tell you all."
And it was worth it, after all, it was worth while
when, settling a pillow by each other's head
we did not need to say: "That is what I mean,
indeed, that is it".
Otras veces, el tiempo es como un perfume que no se puede describir, un perfume que es sólo tangible en la piel de algún otro, que se eleva sólo para convertirse en la memoria de su esencia, cada vez más tenue, cada vez más estrecha dentro del abrazo que la aferra.
A veces, el tiempo también encuentra la manera de regresar: da un salto gigantesco y alcanza una coordenada tan cercana que es casi la misma: escapa del no, y encarna finalmente el sí.
He had indeed just brought his feet together about six in the evening of the seventh of January at the finish of some such quadrille or minuet when he beheld, coming from the pavilion of the Muscovite Embassy,a figure, which, whether boy's or woman's, for the loose tunic and trousers of the Russian fashion served to disguise the sex, filled him with the highest curiosity. The person, whatever the name or sex, was about middle height, very slenderly fashioned, dressed entirely in oyster-coloured velvet, trimmed with some unfamiliar greenish-coloured fur.But these details were obscured by the extraordinary seductiveness which issued from the whole person.Images, metaphors of the most extreme and extravagant twined and twisted inhis mind. He called her a melon, a pineapple, an olive tree, an emerald, and a fox in the snow all in the space of three seconds; he did not know whether he had heard her, tasted her, seen her, or all three together.
Virgina Woolf's, Tilda Swinton's and Sally Potter's Orlando
To forge a word
which is not
to make it out of someone else's breath
to open up and give it a home
to keep it unspoken among blankets
where there is no room for fear of pleasure
no room for thought
If anything, it would have to be the name of a scent
and of its alchemy
lavender turning into something incandescent and sharp
like cinnammon
or crimson red
or a thousand different glasses reflecting one same flame