"...to enclose the present moment; to make it stay; to fill it fuller and fuller, with the past, the present and the future, until it shone, whole, bright, deep with understanding."

Virgina Woolf, The Years


Moments of Being IV - El sueño de un recuerdo (or, the beginning is the end is the beginning)

Noche que sacas
las cuentas claras de tus estrellas
en los papeles que el río cala.
- Noche en el agua, Carlos Pellicer

Sometimes things have a strange, rather sad, rather cheerful perfection.

I'd forgotten I once was a firefly. I'd forgotten I once loved a poet. I'd forgotten I once had a dream.

Sometimes time has an astonishingly precise way of calculating itself, of beginning and reflecting and multiplying itself, of ending and beginning again. Time winks at me, and I wonder, what will I find beyond the new treshold.

Sometimes it's best not to know, not to anticipate anything at at all.

Escena de El amor de las luciérnagas. Fotografìa de Alfredo Millán

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